Program committee

Alexander ZuepkeTechnical University of Munich
Anaïs FinziTTTech Computertechnik AG
Catherine NemitzDavidson College
Christian DietrichTechnische Universität Braunschweig
Corey Tessler chairUniversity of Nevada Las Vegas
Dakshina DasariBosch
Daniel Casini chairScuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Italy
Enrico MezzettiBSC
Federico AromoloScuola Superiore Sant'Anna
Federico ReghenzaniUniversity of Milan
Francesco RestucciaUniversity of California San Diego
Gedare BloomUniversity of Colorado Springs Colorado
Georg von der BrüggenTU Dortmund
Hyunjong ChoiSan Diego State University
Irida ShallariMid Sweden University
Kuan-Hsun ChenUniversity of Twente
Mario GuenzelTU Dortmund
Nan GuanCity University of Hong Kong
Patrick YomsiCISTER ISEP
Prashant ModekurthyUniversity of Nevada Las Vegas
Raffaele ZippoUniversity of Pisa
Sepideh SafariIPM
Shuai ZhaoSun Yat-sen University
Sims OsborneElon University
Slivano Dal ZilioLAAS-CNRS
Takuya AzumiSaitama University
Tanya AmertCarleton College
Yehan MaShangai Tong University
Zhe JiangSoutheast University
Zheng DongWayne State University